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"Релиз языка программирования PHP 8.3"
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. "Релиз языка программирования PHP 8.3" +/
Сообщение от Tron is Whistling (?), 26-Ноя-23, 16:23 
Just for fun покажу минимальный тест сокета.

class Test extends \ATL\Task
    public function main()
        Log::msg("Main task started");
        yield true;

        try {
            Log::msg("Creating socket");
            $this->taskAddChildTask($socket = new \ATL\Socket\TCP('', 80, 15));
            yield true;

            Log::msg("Waiting for socket to connect");
            if (($result = yield ($wait = new \ATL\Socket\WaitForConnect($socket))) !== true) {
                if (is_array($result)) throw new \Exception("Socket error {$result[0]} while connecting: {$result[1]}");
                throw new \Exception("Socket timed out while connecting");
            Log::msg("Socket connected");
            Log::msg("Local name: ".$socket->socketLocalName);
            Log::msg("Remote name: ".$socket->socketRemoteName);

            Log::msg("Writing HTTP request to the socket");
                "GET /test.php HTTP/1.1\r\n",
                "Connection: close\r\n",

            Log::msg("Waiting for write data to be flushed down");
            if (($result = yield ($wait = new \ATL\Socket\WaitForWriteFlush($socket, 5))) !== true) {
                if (is_array($result)) throw new \Exception("Socket error {$result[0]} while writing: {$result[1]}");
                throw new \Exception("Socket timed out while waiting for write");

            Log::msg("Reading from socket");
            $wait = new \ATL\Socket\Read($socket, 5);
            $fout = fopen(__DIR__.'/socket_test.out', 'wb');
            do {
                if (($result = yield $wait) !== true) {
                    if (is_array($result)) throw new \Exception("Socket error {$result[0]} while reading: {$result[1]}");
                    throw new \Exception("Socket timed out while reading data");
                if ($wait->readData !== null)
                    fwrite($fout, implode('', $wait->readData));
            } while ($wait->readData !== null);

            Log::msg("Waiting for socket to disconnect");
            if (($result = yield ($wait = new \ATL\Socket\Disconnect($socket, 5, true))) !== true) {
                if (is_array($result)) throw new \Exception("Socket error {$result[0]} while disconnecting: {$result[1]}");
                throw new \Exception("Socket timed out while waiting for disconnect");
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            Log::msg("ERROR: ".$e->getMessage());

        if (!$socket->isDisconnected()) {
            Log::msg("Aborting socket");
            yield true;

        Log::msg("Main task ended");

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Релиз языка программирования PHP 8.3, opennews, 23-Ноя-23, 21:29  [смотреть все]
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